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Ref: NewGallo / DragonStar / OffDET114

The Office of Deaths, Exploration & Treasure

 Session:  114 - Wednesday 19th June 2002
 Referee:  Tim "The Mechanic" Evans
 Title:    Can I have my Bow Back!
 Author:   Tim Evans
 Previous: OffDET113
 Next:     OffDET115

CD/178 = 12th of 9th Month in Year Zero for 8 Weeks...


        Filthy Ike - Half Orc/M - Barbarian/3 - CN

        Silverbark = Elf/M = Cleric/3 = N

        [Lady Rhyad de Grances]? = Elf/F = Fighter/3 = CG

Encounters: (As detailed below)

    1x Snake - Avoided
    5x Spiders CR 1
    4x Wolfs CR 1
    3x Giant Lizards CR 2
    Lots of Monkeys - Avoided

    Filthy Ike XP 1500                               (Total XP=6501)
    Rhyad XP 1800 (this includes your 20% DM Bonus)  (Total XP=7532)
    Silverbark XP 1500                               (Total XP=7046)

Trophies: (0N each)

    Nothing at all.


After two weeks confined to your quarters, apart from the daily practice session, the squad are summoned to see you commander. He asked the squad to sign a Oath of Loyalty to the Empire, Silverbark gives the squad a rough translation of the oath, and then the squad sign. Rhyad attempts to sign with a false name, but is commanded to sign with her real name. After some though she finally does. The squad is then instructed to go and have a final medical, before there first mission. After some shouting and Filthy being difficult each member of the squad, is examined and injected. They are then taken to the mission briefing.

There mission is to scout out a enemy spy posted that has been reported, they are equipped with, pistols and Stun batons for the mission, and told not to get into combat with the occupants of the spy post. but to check its location, and how it is set up. The party are told they would be dropped 5 Klicks from the target, and give a Locator, which would enable them to get close to the target, and also a recall device that they can use to be collected once the mission is over, but they must not use the recall device too close to the post.

The squad seem to have a problem with the word Klick, as they think it is some form of measurement based on the height of there halfling monk called Klick.:)

The squad set of towards the target, but are confused that they do not get there immediately.

After fighting there way though numerous wild animals in the forest surrounding the Target, they arrive in the vicinity of the target. Filthy climbs a tree, so they can get a direction to the final target. They then move off in that direction. They get to within 100 meters of the Target, and find a cleared zone around the target. They travel around the target, just on the edge of the forest and find that the target has 4 entrances, but no tracks leading to or from the target. The squad decide to hide in the vicinity of the Target overnight, to see if they can spot any of the inhabitants. One member of the squad is up a tree overlooking the target at all times. Just after midnight a tall poll comes out of one of the buildings in the Target, goes up about 100 Meters, and stays there for 10 Minutes, and then goes back into the building.

Sheriff Sir Karl Tsukin OGE <sheriff@newgallo.net>, The Office of New Gallo Law Enforcement and Aggressive Defence

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Last edited January 21, 2003 10:42 am by TimE (diff)